Fibre Cement cutting blades

Fast, clean cutting of fibre cement products

Cutting fibre cement sheets with a traditional blade creates lots of dust.
These PCD (polycrystalline diamond) tipped fibre cement saw blades cut with up to 70% less dust.
They last up to 50 times longer cutting life than standard carbide blades.
Designed  to cut all densities and thicknesses (depending on your saw capacity).
Designed for use with portable power tools like circular saws, or table saws and mitre saws.

Made by Truacut.

These blades will cut compressed  and non compressed fiber cement such as:
 - weatherboard
 - external cladding
 - compressed sheet flooring
 - internal linings
 - commercial facades
 - bracing
 - columns
 - some lattice.

Fibre cement cladding is also known as cement fibre siding or concrete siding.
It can be used in decks, balconies and verandas and as internal flooring in laundries, kitchens and living areas. Common brand names in Australia include:
 - HardiPanel compressed sheets
 - CSR Cemintel Fibre Cement compressed sheets
 - BGC Compressed Fibre cement sheets.

Also suitable for cutting:
 - Drywalls
 - PlasterBoard
 - Plastic
 - Fibreglass

Tips for use:
- Check blade and tips not damaged before use
- Ensure blade fitted tightly, with correct rotation
- Clamp material to be cut firmly
- Setting cutting depth 5mm more than material thickness
- Vacuum dust if possible when cutting
- Keep blade clean
- Not for cutting timber
- Do not resharpen

The 210mm blade with 30mm centre suits Festool saw.

Note - Always be aware of the danger of breathing in the dust. Ensure a dust extraction system is used with a suitable filter fitted. Use a half face respirator or a PAPR (Powered air purifying respirator). Even if you are cutting wet, the slurry created can dry out and create a hazard for other users - dispose of slurry as per your local regulations.


Part Number Diameter Bore  Teeth  Price ea (incl GST)
PCD125224 125mm 22.2/16mm 4 $125
PCD160204 160mm 20mm 4 $130
PCD185204 185mm 20mm 4 $135
PCD210306 210mm 30mm 6 $195
PCD235255 235mm 25.4/20mm 5 $230
PCD250306 250mm 30/25.4mm 6 $290
PCD305308 305mm 30/25.4mm 8 $350
PCD350308 350mm 30/25.4mm 8 $425

Note - discount for 5 or more blades available. Contact us for pricing.

Prices correct as of 1/1/25 but subject to change.

Silica dust - when workers saw, cut, crush, drill, polish or grind products that contain silica, particles are created, which are one-hundredth of the size of a grain of sand. These can get  stuck deep in the lungs. 
Ensure precautions to limit exposure to dust are in place.
See the WA government's info on silica dust here.

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United Diamond Tools

Telephone: (08) 9434 6878



Unit 9, 84 Barberry Way
Bibra Lake WA 6163

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