Diamond Router Bits

Vacuum brazed diamond router bits by Truacut are superior to tungsten carbide bits.
They are used to route shapes into masonry products, granite, marble, natural and synthetic stone, fibreglass, carbon fibre, concrete and compressed fibre cement products. 
(May lead to chipping on ceramic and porcelain, so not recommended.)

These bits are for  dry use. The bit life is extended when a little water, or regular air cooling, is used.
Only use water with power tools designed to deliver water to the job.
Always take care if using water near power tools. 

All these bits have a 12.7mm (1/2") shaft to suit a 1/2" router!
Routers with a 1/2" collet generally have much more power than the 1/4" routers. This power is needed when shaping hard surfaces.

Vacuum Brazed Diamond tools can run at high speed and dry (up to 10,000 RPM).
For best results, try to use a router with variable speed. Start at half speed.
Run backwards and forwards until desired depth and shape is achieved.

Remember to always use personal protection equipment (goggles, hearing protection etc).
Use an RCD if using water near your power tools.
Silica warning - see safety instructions here.
Do not allow to over heat - air cool regularly.

Rounding over bits - #60/70 grit:



  • DRB504  3.2mm radius $60
  • DRB505  4mm radius $60
  • DRB508  6.4mm radius $70
  • DRB512  9.5mm radius $95
  • DRB516  12.7mm radius $115
  • DRB520  15.8mm radius $145
  • DRB524  19mm radius $150
    (all prices each, incl GST)
  • All are 12.7mm (1/2") shaft to suit a 1/2" router

Vee Groove Bits:

  • DRB128C  16mm (11mm depth of cut), 90°, #40/50 (coarse) Grit.  $70
  • DRB129 22mm (17mm depth of cut), 90°,  #60/70 Grit.  $80
  • All prices each, incl GST
  • All are 12.7mm (1/2") shaft only

Core Box Bit #40/50 grit (coarse) :


Used to cut radius grooves for a variety of applications or edge trimming a cove

  • DRB432C  25.4mm wide cut $80
    (price each, incl GST)
  • 12.7mm (1/2") shaft to suit a 1/2" router

Chamfering Heads #60/70 grit:

  • DRB916  12mm depth of cut $90
    (price each, incl GST)
  • 12.7mm (1/2") shaft only

Ogee Bit #60/70 Grit:


Classical ogee bit feature an inverted ogee profile

  • DRB7512 10mm radius, 20mm depth of cut $185 (price each, incl GST)
  • 12.7mm (1/2") shaft to suit a 1/2" router

Flush Trim Bit #60/70 Grit:


Used to trim up a workpiece to size using a template. Fitted with a bottom bearing so the template can be positioned below the job.

  • DRB8016 12.7mm diameter x 38mm depth
    $65 each, incl GST
  • 12.7mm (1/2") shaft only

Inverted Trim #60/70 Grit:


Top-mounted guide bearings on these router bits make them ideal for grooving, lettering and dadoes, as well as any other template work. Fitted with a top bearing so the template can be positioned above the job.

  • DRB8236 28 x 38mm cut
    $125 (price each, incl GST)

  • 12.7mm (1/2") shaft to suit a 1/2" router

Straight Bits #40/50 (coarse) Grit:

  • DRM1406C 6.4mm diameter x 25mm $55
  • DRM1408C 8mm diameter x 25mm $65
  • DRM1410C 10mm diameter x 40mm $65
  • DRM1413C 13mm diameter x 40mm $70
    (all prices each, incl GST)
  • All are 12.7mm (1/2") shaft only

Bullnose router bits

Bull nose router bits with 1/2" shank

Diamach 20mm Bullnose 
$55 ea Incl GST

Diamach 30mm Bullnose 
$70 ea Incl GST

All are 12.7mm (1/2") shaft to suit a 1/2" router


Note - When workers drill, saw, polish, cut, crush or grind products that contain silica, particles are created, which are one-hundredth of the size of a grain of sand. These can get  stuck deep in the lungs. Ensure precautions to limit exposure to dust are in place. See our dust collection accessories here
Use a half face respirator or a PAPR (Powered air purifying respirator).
See the WA government's info on silica dust here.

Prices correct as of 1/2/25 but subject to change.

Please see our Contact Us page for Australia wide delivery information.

TruaCuT by Richard Stanley Pty. Ltd. Stanley TruaCuT

United Diamond Tools

Telephone: (08) 9434 6878

Email: sales@udt.com.au


Unit 9, 84 Barberry Way
Bibra Lake WA 6163

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