Diamond Blade Data

How deep will my diamond blade cut?
What is the maximum speed I can run this blade at?
These are all important questions blade users need to know. United Diamond Tools have produced these tables to answer all these questions for you.
Just remember:

  • These cutting depths are approximate - depth will vary due to flange/collar size or if your tool components (motor guard etc) interfere with the cut.
  • Always read your tools operation manual before use to make sure the blades suits the maximum safe speed of your tool.
  • Wear correct personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Use the tools and blade only in a safe manner as described in the operation manual.

Disclaimer: the information on this website is provided in good faith and believed to be reliable and accurate at this time. However, the information is provided on the basis that the reader will be solely responsible for assessing the information and its veracity and usefulness. UDT shall in no way be liable, in negligence or howsoever, for any loss sustained or incurred by anyone relying on the information, even if such information is or turns out to be wrong, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading.

Maximum Blade Cutting Depths
Diameter (mm) Cutting Depth
Concrete Saw Blades
310mm 92mm
360mm 118mm
410mm 143mm
460mm 168mm
 510mm  193mm
600mm 244mm
660mm 269mm
760mm 298mm
910mm 374mm
Wall Saw Blades
360mm 115mm
460mm 163mm
600mm 243mm
760mm 293mm
910mm 370mm
Cut Off Saw Blades
310mm 100mm
360mm 125mm
410mm 150mm


Maximum Blade Cutting Depths
Diameter (mm) Cutting Depth
Masonary Saw Blades
360mm 125mm
460mm 180mm
510mm 200mm
Tile Saw Blades
110mm 20mm
115mm 25mm
125mm 32mm
150mm 45mm
180mm 57mm
200mm 68mm
230mm 82mm
250mm 94mm
Power Hand Saw Blades
85mm 13mm
100mm 25mm
115mm 32mm
125mm 38mm
180mm 64mm
200mm 76mm

Maximum Blade Operating Speeds

Diameter Recommended Operating Speed (RPM)*

Maximum Safe Speed (RPM)**

100mm 9,072  15,000
115mm 8,063  13,300
125mm 7,257  12,000
150mm 6,048 10,185
180mm 5,184 8,730
200mm 4,536 7,640
230mm 4,032 6,790
250mm 3,629 6,115
310mm 3,024 5,095
310mm HS   6,300
360mm 2,592 4,365
360mm HS   5,460
410mm 2,268 3,820
410mm HS   4,725
460mm 2,016 3,395
510mm 1,814 3,055
560mm 1,649 2,780
600mm 1,512 2,550
660mm 1,396 2,350
710mm 1,296 2,185
760mm 1,120 2,040
800mm 1,134 1,910
910mm 1,008 1,700
1090mm 864 1,455

HS - high speed diamond blades

* The general optimal range for cutting masonry & concrete is +10%, whereas for dense hard materials like tile, stone etc, 10-25% has to be deducted from these RPMs to reach optimal performance speed. Speeds are based on tools being operated with load, which cause blade speeds to slow.

** This speed is the maximum safe speed at which the blade can be used. Ensure your tool is rated lower than the maximum safe speed of the tool.

United Diamond Tools

Telephone: (08) 9434 6878

Email: sales@udt.com.au


Unit 9, 84 Barberry Way
Bibra Lake WA 6163

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