Dry Core Cutters

As used by many Electricians and Plumbers

I carry a large range of excellent quality dry core cutters.
These are used for coring concrete blocks, paving slabs, limestone, building and hollow bricks, clay bricks and cured concrete with an ordinary drill. With care, they will also core concrete with light steel reo, but this is at your own risk. This makes them a low cost, easy to use alternative to diamond core drills.
(Some customers also use them on fibreglass pultruded (GRP) covers).

These are used by many air conditioning installers, plumbers, electricians and builders.
They also suit the DIY person with only a few holes to drill.
They have also been used for fencing, but the 150mm depth means they have to be used in stages with a long adaptor to get the maximum depth of approximately 350mm deep.
They can be used dry with precautions (see below), which is ideal when used indoors.
These barrels can be used with water, however make certain no water can enter your electrical drill.
I carry our range here in Bibra Lake, so there is no need to buy an expensive kit - just get the barrels you need.

These are to be used in rotary mode only ie not hammer drill.
Full instructions at bottom of this page.

For barrels to drill granite, porcelain, polymer concrete and other hard materials see here.
For thicker concrete, concrete with lots of hard aggregate or reinforced concrete, use a core drill.

Silica dust - when workers cut, crush, drill, polish, saw or grind products that contain silica, particles are created, which are one-hundredth of the size of a grain of sand. These can get  stuck deep in the lungs. 
Ensure precautions to limit exposure to dust are in place.
See the WA government's info on silica dust here.

You will need one of each of the following items:

  • A core barrel – see sizes available below
  • Adaptors – For hex or SDS Plus -long (240mm) or short (90mm hex, 120mm SDS Plus) or SDS Max (250mm).
  • A pilot drill bit

blue-dry-core-cutters-.jpg cc-adaptors.jpg

Code Description
DBS25CCB 25mm x 150mm


DBS32CCB 32mm x 150mm


DBS38CCB 38mm x 150mm
38mm $65
DBS52CCB 52mm x 150mm
DBS65CCB 65mm x 150mm
DBS78CCB 78mm x 150mm
DBS82CCB 82mm x 150mm
DBS102CCB 102mm x 150mm
DBS127CCB 127mm x 150mm
DBS152CCB 152mm x 150mm
DBSCCAdaptor Drill adaptor - SDS Plus or hex - short
DBSCCAdaptor Drill adaptor - SDS Plus or hex - long
CCBADAPTORSDSMAX Drill adaptor - SDS Max 260mm 
DBSPilotDrill Pilot Drill

Dymaxion Core Drill Bit kit

Rated to cut brick (not concrete).
The turbo diamond core drill bits in these kits are designed for use without water.
They offer key barrel diameters popular with Plumbers, Electricians, and A/C installers.

Dymaxion Drill Bit kit 1 - 38mm, 52mm & 65mm barrels (160mm long), 1/2" BSP Short SDS Plus & hex adaptor, pilot bit & 200mm extension for going through double brick walls. In aluminium case.
$299 inc GST

Dymaxion Drill Bit kit 2- 65mm & 80mm barrels (160mm long), 1/2" BSP Short SDS Plus & hex adaptor, pilot bit & 200mm extension for going through double brick walls. In aluminium case
$299 inc GST

Connect to a suitable vac for dust free drilling
Suits vac hose 32mm - 37mm
Suitable for tile, plaster, stone and other non porous materials
Suits drills up to 65mm diameter
Made from durable plastic
Part number DEXSG
$35 incl GST each - ex stock


Prices correct as of 15/1/25 but subject to change.

How to drill with your dry core cutters:

  • Wear eye and ear protection.
  • Do not select a diameter of barrel that is too big for your electric drill to handle. Our dry core cutters are designed to fit larger (750W and over) variable speed rotary drills with clutch
  • Ensure the dry core cutter is suitable for the material to be cored. To drill granite, porcelain, polymer concrete and other hard materials see here.
  • Dry drilling produces lots of dust, which is very hazardous, so use a suitable vacuum to collect it and wear a suitable dust mask (PAPR recommended). See the WA government's info on silica dust here.
  • Ideal drilling speed is 1000 to 2000 rpm. (The bigger diameter, the slower the speed).
  • Do not use the percussion or hammer mode.
  • Can be used with water, but ensure no water can enter you electric drill ie do not drill overhead with water. Frequent quenching in a bucket of water will prolong barrel life
  • First, drill a hole in the centre of the hole you wish to drill with the pilot drill bit only (note - it is an interference fit into adaptor only)
  • Mount the core barrel on your adaptor, so the pilot bit can follow the pre drilled hole
  • Start the drill turning slowly before the core drill contacts the masonry
  • Once the barrel has started cutting straight, you can remove the pilot bit
  • Vary the speed and pressure until optimal drilling is achieved
  • Clean hole our regularly with vacuum (indoors) or water (outdoors) to prevent jamming.
  • When about to break through, reduce pressure to produce a clean exit hole
  • Make sure that the barrel does not overheat. Quench regularly in water to keep cool.
  • Make sure you do not overload or force your electric drill so much that the motor risks burning out.
  • Wall ties can damage the bit, so regularly inspect hole for wires, and stop drilling if snatching felt.
  • If you hit steel reinforcement (suitable for light reo only), back off pressure by half.
  • When deeper holes are required, drill in two or more steps. After drilling as far as you can, remove the core by breaking it. Then use an extension (sold by us) to continue drilling.
  • Pay close attention when hand held drilling, as the core drill may jam in the material. This can result in your electric drill motor dangerously spinning out of your hands.
  • If coring hard material slows, the barrel may have glazed up. Open up the segments by coring something coarse like a limestone block or paver, or a very abrasive block.
  • You are not drilling a hole, you are grinding it. So it will take longer than using an SDS percussion type drill bit.

Silica dust - when workers cut, saw, crush, drill, grind or polish products that contain silica, particles are created, which are one-hundredth of the size of a grain of sand. These can get  stuck deep in the lungs. 
Ensure precautions to limit exposure to dust are in place.
See the WA government's info on silica dust here.

Please see our "Contact Us" page (here) for Australia wide shipping information.

Disclaimer: the information on this website is provided in good faith and believed to be reliable and accurate at this time. However, the information is provided on the basis that the reader will be solely responsible for assessing the information and its veracity and usefulness. UDT shall in no way be liable, in negligence or howsoever, for any loss sustained or incurred by anyone relying on the information, even if such information is or turns out to be wrong, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading.


United Diamond Tools

Telephone: (08) 9434 6878

Email: sales@udt.com.au


Unit 9, 84 Barberry Way
Bibra Lake WA 6163

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