Premium Core Barrels
Our Premium core barrels are made in Korea, and larger sizes feature Zenesis diamond array for fast and efficient coring.
They are laser welded to eliminate segment loss through over heating.
Our barrels are suitable for drilling concrete with and without steel reinforcement.
Our range includes diamond core barrels for the fencing and balustrade contractor, professional concrete cutters, as well as plumbers, electricians, pest controllers, air conditioning installers and builders.
We stock barrels in 350mm, 450mm, 600mm and 800mm lengths.
We also stock barrels for very hard concrete, lots of aggregate or with a lot of steel reinforcement.
These laser welded core drill bits have Zenesis segments, meaning the diamonds are set in an organised pattern rather than randomly scattered, and has a very soft bond. They will handle very hard materials - even granite in some cases.
All are easily recognisable as they are red, 450mm long and 1 1/4" UNC only.
Note - when drilling concrete with a high strength (or MPA), or with very hard aggregate in it, the bit may glaze up and need redressing. Do this by reducing the water by half for a few minutes, or by drilling into an abrasive material like limestone, a cinder block or similar. A bit of Ajax or builder's sand down the hole can also have the same effect.
If your require barrels to core abrasive materials (asphalt, limestone or green concrete), see our Limestone Barrels page.
We also sell core barrels specifically designed for coring into laterite ( rusty-red coloured blocks used in W.A.) that will save you time, and money. See our "Limestone Barrels" page.
We also supply selected barrels to core granite (or similar non abrasive materials) - see the last two entries on table below, and this page.
United Diamond Tools can also arrange manufacture of special core barrels which are used in the mining industry. Should you require a special build core barrel for coring into mineral samples, then we can build a core barrel to suit.
Our smaller barrels (up to 50mm) have a male 1/2" Gas/BSP BEF (back end fitting), and all sizes above are 1 1/4" UNC female BEF. These suit Stihl BT 45 when fitted with water attatchment.
See also our dry cut core cutters here. They can be used with ordinary drills.
We also stock and sell:
- Extensions - 1/2" and 1 1/4" UNC types (150mm and 300mm)
- Adaptors - from 1/2" to 1 1/4" UNC, or Hilti to 1 1/4" UNC
See our "Core Drill Accessories and Spare Parts" page for further info here.
For a more detailed look at Core Drilling, from selecting your core drill to actually drilling, plus all the UDT core drilling supplies, download the guide below.
Note - For operator safety, most manufacturers recommend drilling over 67mm be done with the drill mounted in a stand.
If in doubt, contact us, the barrel or drill manufacturers.
For bigger diameter barrels, ensure you are using a suitable sized drill and stand to suit the barrel.
Download the UDT Core Drilling Guide
For less expensive barrels with pricing, see our "Husqvarna, Clipper and Tyrolit" core barrels here
and "Trade Series" barrels here.
For less expensive barrels with pricing, see our "Husqvarna, Clipper and Tyrolit" core barrels here
and "Trade Series" barrels here.
Prices correct as of 1/2/25 but subject to change. Includes GST, each only.
Silica dust - when workers cut, crush, drill, polish, saw or grind products that contain silica, particles are created, which are one-hundredth of the size of a grain of sand. These can get stuck deep in the lungs.
Ensure precautions to limit exposure to dust are in place.
See the WA government's info on silica dust here.
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However, the information is provided on the basis that the reader will be solely responsible for assessing the information and its veracity and usefulness. UDT shall in no way be liable, in negligence or howsoever, for any loss sustained or incurred by anyone relying on the information, even if such information is or turns out to be wrong, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading.