SDS Plus and Max Drill Bits

Masonry carbide drill bits are deal for trades people (electricians, plumbers, pest controllers etc) for drilling in masonry and concrete.

  • Available 4mm to 30mm diameter
  • Lengths up to 1metre
  • Tough and wear resistant
  • Double spiral for rapid waste removal
  • Reduces rifling - keeps holes closer to perfect round
  • Low vibration
  • Well priced and in stock

These bits will not cut through steel reinforcing rods.  When encountering the steel in reo:

  • Move the hole if possible
  • Use a rebar cutter (below) to drill the steel rod before returning to the masonry bit to finish to full depth.
  • Use a diamond core drill bit instead
  • Use a Bordo Delta bit (up to 20mm in SDS Plus or 40mm in SDS Max only). Available as a buy in.

SDS drill bits need hammer action to work correctly,  as it is a chipping method of waste removal which needs the hammer action.

Also, selected SDS Max for heavy duty drilling are also availble.

Note - some smaller sizes are single bar carbide - not quad cutters as shown below.

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SDS Plus

Part Number

Size and length

Price (each, incl GST)


5mm x 160mm



6.5mm x 160mm



8mm x 160mm



10mm x 160mm



12mm x 160mm



12mm x 450mm



16mm x 260mm



16mm x 450mm



18mm x 450mm



20mm x 260mm



16mm x 450mm



25mm x 260mm





For dust free drilling

Suits vac hose 32mm - 37mm

Suitable for tile, plaster, stone and other non porous materials

Suits drills up to 65mm diameter

Made from durable plastic

Part number DEXSG

$35 incl GST each - ex stock


SDS Max 

Bordo X-bit 16mm 16 x 340mm $160
DYMAX16540 16 x 540mm $75
DYMAX18540 18 x 540mm $81
IRWIN22x320 22 x 320mm $70
MAK28X570 28 x 570mm $100
DYMAXDSM35450 35 x 450mm $150

Second Hand:

We currently have a range of second hand SDS drill bits. 
They are Dymaxion, Bosch, Irwin and Makita, most with little use.
As of 1/4/22 we have:

18 x 200mm $15
22 x 450mm $25
24 x 450mm $25

SDS Max:
24mm x 320mm $35 
28mm x 370mm $30
28mm x 450mm $30 
28mm x 570mm $50 
32mm x 570mm $60 
35mm x 450mm $65 
35mm x 920mm $90 
24mm x 520mm $50 


Use appropriate personal safety equipment - safety glasses, hearing protection, dust mask, vacuum etc.
Use on hammer mode.
Periodically withdraw bit to clear debris.

Note - These bits will not cut through steel reinforcing rods.  When encountering the steel in reo,  move the hole or use a diamond core drill bit or rebar cutter (below) to drill the steel rod before returning to the masonry bit to finish to full depth.

Bordo Rebar Cutters:

Bordo Tungsten Carbide Tipped Rebar Cutters
At last, the answer to drilling through concrete-embedded rebar!
No more broken or shattered hammer bits. Now you can drill through the rebar and not have to relocate the hole.

SDS Plus only

Manufactured with an external spiral pattern for efficient removal of debris.
Cutters over 15mm are made with a hollow core and two relief holes for cooling and easier removal of slug and debris.

Up to 15mm - 850 - 1200RPM
16mm to 18mm - 750 - 1000RPM
20mm to 22mm  - 600 - 850RPM
24mm to 28mm - 500 - 750RPM
30mm - 480 - 680RPM

Rebar cutters are intended for rotary drilling only - percussion (hammering action) will damage the tool.

Safety note:
Follow your power tool manufacturers' recommendations for bit capacity.
The operator of this tool assumes sole responsibility for any adverse structural effects of cutting rebar.
Consult structural engineers if you have any concerns.

bordo-rebar-cutter.png 10mm x 305mm $125 ea inc GST
12mm x 305mm $130 ea inc GST
14mm x 305mm $145 ea inc GST
16mm x 305mm $155 ea inc GST
18mm x 305mm $170 ea inc GST
3/4" x 305mm $175 ea inc GST
20mm x 305mm $190 ea inc GST
22mm x 305mm (2 piece) $230 ea inc GST
24mm x 305mm (2 piece) $235 ea inc GST
1" x 305mm (2 piece) $260 ea inc GST
28mm x 305mm (2 piece) $280 ea inc GST
30mm x 305mm (2 piece) $285 ea inc GST

Suits 2 piece rebar cutters only (22mm diameter and over).
Tungsten carbide head not included (adds 100mm to overall length).
Rebar Extension 14" -  355 mm shank length.
$55 Incl GST ea
Rebar Extension 18" -  510 mm shank length.
$70 Incl GST ea

Wear appropriate PPE.
Start drilling hole with SDS bit in hammer mode.
Periodically withdraw bit to clear debris.
If progress stops, see if you have hit reo.
If you have, swap to rebar cutter in rotary mode (not hammer).
Drill dry at speed as indicated, using firm pressure.
Once through the steel, clear the hole, swap back to SDS bit and switch drill to hammer mode.
Warning: Rebar cutters are intended for rotary drilling only - percussion (hammering action) will damage the tool.

SDS Adaptors:
- SDS Plus to 1/2" male BSP - short. For dry core cutters on SDS drill ($30 ea)
- SDS Plus to 1/2" male BSP - long. For dry core cutters on SDS drill ($45 ea)
 - SDS Max to 1/2" male BSP - 260mm long. For dry core cutters on SDS drill  ($60 ea)
 - SDS Plus to 1 1/4" UNC (use 1 1/4" barrels on your SDS Plus drill) $85 ea
 - SDS Max to 1 1/4" UNC (use 1 1/4" barrels on your SDS Max drill) $95 ea
 - SDS Max to SDS Plus (use SDS Plus bits on your SDS Max drill) $125 ea


Silica dust - when workers cut, crush, drill, polish, saw or grind products that contain silica, particles are created, which are one-hundredth of the size of a grain of sand. These can get  stuck deep in the lungs. 
Ensure precautions to limit exposure to dust are in place.
See the WA government's info on silica dust here.

Please see our "Contact Us" page (here) for Australia wide shipping information.

Prices correct as of 1/11/24 but subject to change.

Disclaimer: the information on this website is provided in good faith and believed to be reliable and accurate at this time. However, the information is provided on the basis that the reader will be solely responsible for assessing the information and its veracity and usefulness. UDT shall in no way be liable, in negligence or howsoever, for any loss sustained or incurred by anyone relying on the information, even if such information is or turns out to be wrong, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading.

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Dymaxion HDEM6 Sutton Bunnings

United Diamond Tools

Telephone: (08) 9434 6878



Unit 9, 84 Barberry Way
Bibra Lake WA 6163

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