Second Hand Core Barrels

We will trade in used core barrels of good condition. They ideal for when you need to core a few holes only and don't want to buy a Premium barrel. They offer a lot of bang for your buck.
They will still core concrete as well as reinforced concrete.

Our smaller barrels (up to 40mm) generally have a male 1/2"  BSP, and all sizes above are 1 1/4" UNC female.

Note - For operator safety, most manufacturers recommend drilling over 67mm be done with the drill mounted in a stand.
If in doubt, contact us,  the barrel or drill manufacturers.

For a more detailed look at Core Drilling from selecting your core drill to actually drilling  plus all the UDT core drilling supplies; download the guide below.

Download the UDT Core Drilling Guide

Diamond core barrels - used
Mainly Husqvarna, EHWA and Tyrolit

1 1/4" UNC:
26mm x 450mm $50 
30mm x 250mm $40 
31mm x 300mm $50 
40mm x 2m $300 (new) 
62mm x 350mm   $80 
60mm x 100mm $45 
65mm x 350mm   $90 
65mm x 450mm Limestone $50 
80mm x 550mm Limestone $140

1/2" BSP (usually 300 - 350mm long):
12mm x 350mm $30 (1/2" BSP)
18mm x 350mm $20 (1/2" BSP)
20mm x 350mm $25 (1/2" BSP)
32mm x 350mm $25 (1/2" BSP)

Prices correct as of 1/3/24 but subject to change. Best to call first.
All prices are each and include GST.

Silica dust - when workers drill, cut, saw, crush, polish or grind products that contain silica, particles are created, which are one-hundredth of the size of a grain of sand. These can get  stuck deep in the lungs. 
Ensure precautions to limit exposure to dust are in place.
See the WA government's info on silica dust here.

Disclaimer: the information on this website is provided in good faith and believed to be reliable and accurate at this time. However, the information is provided on the basis that the reader will be solely responsible for assessing the information and its veracity and usefulness. UDT shall in no way be liable, in negligence or howsoever, for any loss sustained or incurred by anyone relying on the information, even if such information is or turns out to be wrong, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading.



Weka Eibenstock Taman Tyrolit

United Diamond Tools

Telephone: (08) 9434 6878



Unit 9, 84 Barberry Way
Bibra Lake WA 6163

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